Sunday, August 7, 2011

18 Easy Laptop Repairs Worth $60,000 A Year! eBook: C.

18 Easy Laptop Repairs Worth $60,000 A Year! eBook: C. List Price: 9.99
List Price:
Format: Kindle Edition
File Size: 129 KB
Publisher: Gagler Enterprises, LLC; 6 edition (April 1, 2011)
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services
Language: English
Lending: Enabled

Today just about anyone can learn to do simple laptop repairs and earn $80-$150 an hour from their kitchen table! Do your friends and family all have laptop or computers that need to be fixed from time to time? Wouldn't you really like to be the one solving those computer problems and pocketing the money? Have you ever wondered how the laptop and computer repair business works and how much money you could actually make fixing laptops?Fact is, people need laptop computer help now more than ever. Viruses, cheap hardware and difficult operating systems have made it almost impossible for the average user to keep his or her laptop working at peak performance. Don't undertake laptop computer repair without reading this book. I'll guide you away from making costly mistakes that could render a laptop computer useless.I'll give you a good understanding of what it is you need to do and what you might need in the way of tools. Publisher Opinion:From the bestselling author of "MCSE In Three Weeks" and "Network Plus In 21 Days" comes his first ever book covering laptop computers. Having been ranked one of the "Top 75 Technology Authors" two years in a row, C.V.Conner continues his tradition of making the complicated simple in "18 Easy Laptop Repairs Worth $60,000 A Year". Starting things off with the newbie in mind Conner explains: "Always back up your laptop's hard drive just in case you do something you shouldn't have. And avoid doing your laptop repair in a carpeted room; use the kitchen or garage. There's a reason why we call this Repairs From Your Kitchen Table"."Keep in mind also that if you are playing with the LCD the backlight inverter can give you a nasty shock if the unit is powered. So switch the laptop off and unplug it, you should also remove the laptop's battery and hard drive. I'll be showing you how to do those things step-by-step in a moment". In this well laid out step-by-step format "18 Easy Laptop Repairs Worth $60,000 A Year will no doubt become Conner's first 2010 Bestseller! From the Author Having been in the computer business for many years, I have amassed a vast amount of knowledge and expertise which, I'm now releasing on laptop repairs. This is information that you can't just go out and get, you won't find it.......because it no longer exists!
You DON'T need any qualifications to start your own laptop repair business. I'll supply you with the technical knowledge you need to be up and running in a very short space of time.
The only problem you'll have (in the beginning) is that you won't have enough time to satisfy the demand and, you may not have enough laptops to sell. These are the main problems which you'll encounter! Which I think you'll agree, are GREAT problems to have.
And don't worry; you don't need to know ANY complicated repair procedures. You just need to know 'basic' repairs. You can then build up your knowledge to any level you desire. I'm going to supply you with all the necessary courseware in this book to get you going in this expanding market. 18 Easy Laptop Repairs Worth $60,000 A Year! eBook: C.
18 Easy Laptop Repairs Worth $60,000 A Year! eBook: C.

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