Sunday, January 15, 2012

Best Cookie Recipes eBook: Nicole Adam

Best Cookie Recipes eBook: Nicole Adam List Price: 4.99
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Format: Kindle Edition
File Size: 713 KB
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
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Almost everyone loves chocolates but we feel guilty each time we eat even a small piece because of the fat and calorie content. Not anymore. Healthy chocolate cookies are made from various ingredients that increase the health value of the cookies and yet preserve the delicious chocolaty flavor.

There are cookies made of whole grains, whole wheat, bran flakes, oats, low fat, etc. The main thing to check is whether these cookies are able to maintain a rich taste of chocolate as well.

Research has shown that the cacao bean, from which chocolate is made, is not only rich in fiber but also has antioxidant properties. If correctly prepared, chocolate cookies can provide an individual's daily requirement of antioxidants and flavonoids. The use of natural sweeteners and fiber rich options adds to the health quotient of these cookies.

The best part is that despite all these healthy changes, the cookie still is as satisfying and delicious as it was during childhood. After all, chocolate cookies are a childhood favorite for most of us and bring back fond memories of a time when we did not need to count calories. Best Cookie Recipes eBook: Nicole Adam
Best Cookie Recipes eBook: Nicole Adam

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